Tourism Infrastructure and Enterprise Zone Authority

Tourism Infrastructure and Enterprise Zone Authority

Project Information

Project Details

TIEZA is an organization created by virtue of Republic Act 9593 of the Tourism Act of 2009, with office at Double Dragon, Pasay City, Roxas Boulevard, Metro Manila Philippines.

As an IT Consultant for TIEZA, I performed the following tasks:.

  1. Developed several Conceptual Frameworks for a.) the Development and Implementation of Agency – Wide Information Technology which included plans for Project Management Systems, b.) Enterprise Resource Planning, c.) Online Payment Systems, high – volume, critical access websites and others.
  2. Consulted and wrote a Terms of Reference for training for MIS Staff.
  3. Consulted the Agency in hiring a new MIS head of Department.
  4. Consulted and wrote a Terms of Reference for Web Hosting.
  5. Consulted and wrote a Terms of Reference for An Online Payment Processing, Shopping Cart and Membership Process.
  6. Consulted and wrote a Terms of Reference for a Payment Gateway.
  7. Consulted and wrote a Terms of Reference for Secure Socket Layer (SSL) Services.
  8. Workflows and Diagrams involving online ticketing services.
  9. Development of a Local Government to Volunteer Matching Online Database.
  10. Development of an Online Periodical with Events Management, Document Archiving and Multi User Editorial System.
  11. Managed Web Hosting for Private and Government Websites.
  12. Authored policies involving Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery, Data Management, Information Security, IT Risk Management, Network Security, Physical Security, Security Incident Management and System Development Life Cycles.

With all confidence I declare that their current Online Travel Tax Payment System would not have even left the planning stage had it not been for my efforts.